what if everyday could be more like thursdays
“When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. We're helping ourselves stay in touch with that spirit, too. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”
- Fred Rogers
He comes every Thursday to play for the day. A full day to have him all to ourselves. An excuse to play, look for deer, read books, dig in the sandbox, have a tea party, and roll on the floor. Yesterday Grandpa made dinosaurs with him so I could sit and take some photos.
His play is serious work and I am often surprised how both of us (meaning Grandpa and I) get into it. Hours pass with no screens of any kind, or the pull of getting things done around the house. All of that is put on hold, for we both feel this is just what we want to be doing.
What if every day could be a little bit more like Thursdays? Full of discovering and wonder, quiet time and joy. Today time flies by at record speed and often at the end of the day I find myself looking for something worth noting. But I am learning from him to play a bit more, to have fun without worrying what others may think, to rest when I need it, and to always say yes to joy.