a NEW season
“We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it is all about.”
― Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth
It is funny how one thing will lead to another. How sometimes we are forced to change something, even though we fight it, resisting the process just as much as the change. These past few weeks I have spent hours among old photographs, as I moved ten years of photos to safe keeping when I had to buy a new computer. I deleted, moved precious ones to the cloud, made folders for simple books, spent more than a few hours looking for lost links, and questioned why. I did however, come out the other side with a clearer view of where I will go from here.
This has happened numerous times in my lifetime and not just with photography. I did it with motherhood, teaching, cooking, gardening, etc . . . I am beginning to think it is the way life is suppose to be. We dive head first into something that makes us curious, moves us in some way, and if we allow ourselves to not question the why, we just might come out the other side with a life-long passion.
But just like I put the garden to rest at some point each season, I see now that it was time to put that old backlog of photos aways too, as they were weighing me down.
Every year, when I take that first step out into the garden as spring arrives, I scan it. I make plans to try new things. I move old perennials, add compost and top soil, I order new seed varieties for the vegetable beds, and prune out old wood to make room for new growth.
Maybe this is the season to do the same with my photography.