this is All mine
In a way I have come full circle. Back to what drew me to photography in the first place and that need go beyond the snapshots of motherhood. I move to scenes and objects that alight something inside of me. I am not looking for anything fancy, nor am I looking for perfection, but rather learning once more to pay attenion. To give myself permission to buy oranges with the leaves intact because I have never seen a real orange on a tree and I am curious about the leaves. To dig a couple of treats out of my pocket to coax this sweet dog to look at me with those eyes and that heart nose just because I want to. To be curious, and to follow those urges I get to run and grab my camera when something quickens inside of me. To be brave and bold and know that I own no explanation to anyone but myself.
I finally see that this is all mine and grasp the possibilities that this revelation holds.