this was august
“Life, now, was unfolding before me, constantly and visibly, like the flowers of summer that drop fanlike petals on eternal soil.”
- Roman Payne
August arrives with a bit of familiarity. The garden overflows and I freeze beans and zucchini for winter, all the while thinking of mom. There are beautiful sunrises and the blue of the hydrangeas looks like the sky. I celebrate my 68th birthday full of gratitude and love.
Then, the following day my husband tests positive for Covid and we are quarantined. We follow the rules, spending every day outside and wear masks inside. We start walking every day for something to do. He eats his dinner alone in our guest room. Life is weird.
Percy’s toys sit all alone on the shelf, and I miss him something fierce. We FaceTime and I drop library books off at his house and he waves out the window.
And then some 16 days later, after a rebound case that was kinda scary, we feel confidante enough to venture out again.
I never got it.
August wraps up with a trip to the beach, were Percy fills his pockets with broken shells and his bucket full of rocks, both which he insists on taking home. Once home he creates a beach of his own in his water table, and I can’t help but think of his dad at this age.
August had its moments of frustrations for sure. But there were so many blessings. My wrist is healing well and we have a wonderful trip planned for mid September to Northern Idaho. Baker and Penny play every night, going back and forth, through the open gate, to while we enjoy the company of our neighbors.
Life now, is full of quiet wonder, what if’s, and love.