Knee Deep in Weeds

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may lessons

“Lots of people go mad in January. Not as many as in May, of course. Nor June. But January is your third most common month for madness.” 

― Karen Joy Fowler, Sarah Canary

May felt like a big, deep breath of relief. I backed away from the online world (yes, once again) and discovered some free time. I used it wisely to read, or work in the garden, or maybe just sit for twenty minutes and watch the lake. I used it for a stir of the moment date with Percy to feed the ducks, and dinners with my kids. I caught up with cousins in person and by phone, called some old friends and booked us a trip to the coast.

I took 603 photos in the month of May with my Nikon, and another hundred or so with my phone. Some were shared with family, some were shared here. There were a few put up on flicker, where Baker and I are on week 22 with other dog lovers, while others were set aside for a few projects. And of course several were deleted.

May brought the first greens out of the garden, the first rose, and longer days. So much longer that there were some nights when I found myself in bed with a bit of light streaming through the open windows. May will go down as a month of awakening for me.

I am hoping to continue filling my days with what I am calling real life now.