Knee Deep in Weeds

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blown off Course

“Some things cannot be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, or blown off course for awhile. Plain sailing is pleasant, but you are not going to explore many unknown realms that way.”

-David Whyte

I love the words and poetry of David Whyte. I once saw him on a ferryboat, walking briskly around the perimeter, getting some exercise as frequent ferryboat riders often do. I approached him, only to make sure it truly was him. When he spotted me, he stopped briefly to talk with me. I took his photo and told him he was a remarkable poet. He was humble and kind, soft spoken, and generous with his time. He is one of the writers I turn to when I get “blown off course”.

I am leaning that these moments of doubt and bewilderment have a purpose, yet I am always baffled when they show up. I have made a practice out of challenging my thoughts and emotions at every turn, when in the mist of the bleakness. Maybe it is time to not fight them so hard, and just allow my feelings to flow. Maybe it is time to make peace knowing insight will follow.