Knee Deep in Weeds

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“That’s the trouble with March—the warmth never lasts. There’s that narrow stretch when it parades as spring, just enough for you to thaw if you’re sitting in the sun, but then it’s gone.” 

― V. E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Determined to not let March bowl me over with the rain and gray skies, I get myself outside whenever I can. We get the vegetable garden ready; I redo the beds, turning in new compost, while he puts in a drip irrigation system for me! I plant snap peas, leeks and lettuce, and now wait patiently to get more in the ground. I go out most days with my camera, taking short walks and even get in the car with the soul purpose of finding wonder. We try a couple of new restaurants in town, and I marvel at the creativity and drive of young people who are brave enough to take chances. I spend time lost in a few good books, and watch The Elephant Whispers, crying at the beauty of the world. Percy comes on Thursdays, filling our home with constant motion as he gives up his afternoon nap. We take walks with his binoculars, marking a 16 deer-day one week, and he helps us ready the garden with his new rake and shovel. I give lots of thought to how I mark the rhythm of my days; leaning more and more about what brings balance, purpose, and integrity to my days. Finding the more I align myself to how I really want to live, the more fulfilling I find my days.