Knee Deep in Weeds

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passing judgement

“When you judge yourself for needing help, you judge those you are helping. When you attach value to giving help, you attach value to needing help. The danger of tying your self-worth to being a helper is feeling shame when you have to ask for help. Offering help is courageous and compassionate, but so is asking for help.”

― Brené Brown, Rising Strong: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution.

I am three weeks into this broken wrist thing and slowly learning to ask for help. I admit, I was somewhat flabbergasted that not everyone was noticing how I was struggling to meet my needs, making me even more determined not to ask. But that only resulted in frustration and resentment setting in, which didn’t help the situation at all. It really was so simple when I put aside the notion that they should just know what I needed and I started to ask. But it also made me give some thought into why I found the asking part so hard.

Judgement is such a sneaky emotion.