Knee Deep in Weeds

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dog love

Before the calm that comes at the end of most days, there is a bit of playtime for Baker. Sometimes he plays with Penny, the beagle next door. Sometimes he is content to sit on the lawn with a special chew toy. And some nights he is stuck with me. I am not as fun as the kids next door, or as tasty as his chew toys, but I do my best by throwing the ball or frisbee, or playing tug.

On this particular night however, I could not focus on anything but the sky and finally dropped his ball and grabbed my camera. I stood on our deck mesmerized, and watched this beautiful sunset unfold. And to my surprise he sat right there with me, waiting patiently for me to get done, just like he knew something beautiful was happening.

“What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs?”

― Mary Oliver, Dog Songs