Knee Deep in Weeds

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“I increasingly feel that a part of me is missing, the part that is able to sit with the seismic changes that come, to sense them and experience them and integrate them, rather than to merely administrate them. As I grow older this begins to feel like a desperate lack. There has been a yearning in me that I'm only just beginning to understand, a craving for transcendent experience, for depth, for meaning-making.”

― Katherine may, Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age

Having gone silent for the past couple of months, I land here today a bit unexpectedly. Examining my motives, I mull over the pros and cons, and arrive at the conclusion that the answers are not crystal clear. During my absence things have shuffled a bit, and I see now that it might be possible to shift my life in a slightly different direction. I considered starting over here, a fresh start, but see clearly now that life is a meandering path of the unknown, and so I decide to leave proof of the past among the pages here. I have no steadfast rules going forward, other than to allow myself to experience some depth in what I notice and feel.