saying goodbye

“Many of us have made our world so familiar that we do not see it anymore. An interesting question to ask yourself at night is, What did I really see this day?”

John O' Donahue - Anam Cara

As someone who remembers life before home computers, three channels to choose something to watch on TV, and telephones connected to walls with a cord, a few months ago I found myself yearning for a simpler life. I wanted more, or maybe what I wanted was less. I was overwhelmed with options and confused at times. I could not narrow down what book to read next, started to question the laundry soap I was using and even went so far as researching what kind of pin I wanted to order to use in a new journal.

If I wanted to make cookies I would spend hours looking for just the right recipe on all my favorite cooking sites, when I had several ear-marked in the cookbooks on my shelfs. I stopped trusting myself, looking crazy things up like how to grow potatoes, when I have gardened almost all my life and grown potatoes for years. But it was when I started loosing interest in the overwhelming amount of photos I saw online that I knew I had to make some changes. I asked myself when was the last time I truly studied a photo on Flickr or even Instagram? When was the last time I tried to connect with the photographer beyond hitting that like button.

I knew I had to make some changes. So slowly I started backing away. I unsubscribed to tons of emails. Wiped out most of my bookmarks on my computer and started fresh. I cleaned out my follow streams and cut way back on my time online. I also took breaks from this space and the time I commented to it.

I found myself with some free time on my hands. I had to learn to use that time differently, and it was hard at first. I had to trust my gut more, and leave all the influencers behind so I could learn again how to make up my own mind. But, I found I was sleeping better and learning to let go of some of the control I felt I always had to have. I was less stressed and didn’t feel nearly as overwhelmed or frustrated and I started to trust myself more. Life seemed simpler.

I have decided that this will be my last post, for I feel I am ready to simplify my life even more by letting this space go.

I want to thank all of you who have followed along with me over the years. It has been a privilege to share part of my life with all of you. I know I will feel a bit lost for a while, but I also know this space has run its course.

Have a beautiful holiday season,
xoxo, Cathy