the tug of my heart

Long cold nights mark November's return, grey rains fall, wind walks in the bronze oak leaves.

- Gladys Taber

I wake early most days to have a couple of hours or so to myself. Time to gather my thoughts, and write a few words. While my days are pretty much my own now, they are still full, and come nightfall I am tired, good for nothing more than a hour or so of TV.

I look back sometimes, revisiting the different ways I have filled my days over the years and find, for the most part, a logical flow to them. Needs and desires change, as do responsible and goals. It is the natural flow of things and I don’t question how I filled those days, like I use to.

Today I find myself letting go of old self-expectations and allowing myself to fill my days with those things that tug at my heart: light, curiosity, love and beauty. For today I have nothing to prove.