
“A person is a fluid process, not a fixed and static entity; a flowing river of change, not a block of solid material;
a continually changing constellation of potentialities, not a fixed quantity of traits.” 

― Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming A Person

I would love to think of myself as a “flowing river of change” - but man that is hard. So fixed in my ways, I feel it just might be impossible. But, I also feel the clicking of the clock, and understand it is now or never. Lately I have been I allowing myself to imagine a life a bit different, a life where I give more space and time to the cravings and curiosities that churn deep inside of me. I have been exploring how this might look, dipping my toes into some of these changes and I think there just might be a glimmer of hope that some of these visions just might surface, before I run out of time.

I tell myself I have the wherewithal to do this.
I tell myself the only one stopping me is myself.
I tell myself I still have time.