"Resentment, bitterness, and holding a grudge prevent us from seeing and hearing and tasting and delighting."

— Pema Chödrön (The Wisdom of No Escape: And The Path of Loving-Kindness: How to Love Yourself and Your World)

My friend Donna sends me a beautiful email. It is simple and brief and so full of wisdom that I print it off and tape it to the wall next to my desk. I read it again this morning, and see the beautiful opportunity that has been put before me. An opportunity to stop fighting with my life. A chance to let go of the resentment and anger that I have held on to for far too long, losing sight of love. Instead of looking for a crack through all that resentment, why not let love be the guide to a more peaceful path. A broken wrist is the perfect time to sort through what is truly important and letting go of what does not serve me well. And the chance to walk with him, as his fancy new device adjusts to his - no make that our lifestyle, is a gift.

I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted.