coming home

I arrive home to the poppies blooming. Often their blooms get beaten down by the rain, but this year they are beautiful. Their ruffled leaves unfold to music inside my head.


You keep your past by having sisters. As you get older, they're the only ones who don't get bored if you talk about your memories.

Deborah Moggach

I arrive home after spending a few days with my sister where, I help her get some business done. We are so successful we have time left over to play. We go out to lunch one day, shop a bit and pick up a flat of strawberries to make jam. We watch a great documentary one night about Pete Souza, President Obama’s White House photographer, and we talk a lot about our childhoods and our parents. She helps me sort though some of the old memories I have helping me to see things more clearly. Being ten years older, he remembers more details to my bits and pieces. I come home with little bit more sense of where I come from, who I am and how I want to move forward.