mother's day

“I know I walk in and out of several worlds each day.” 

― Joy Harjo

I sit in the garden with my coffee, the dog, and my camera. It is early, and it is Mother’s Day.
I think about my mom and my kids. I think about all the mothers I know in the world and how each one is worthy of being honored today.
I also know many who are struggling with this day for various reasons, and sit with them for a bit.

I sit and listen as bird songs start to fill the air, knowing soon the lake will be full of summer noises, as the day promises to be warm and summer like.
I sit and watch, knowing the birds will soon come out of the trees to eat, either at the feeder or on the dew kissed grass, looking for worms.
I just sit and listen and watch and think of all the mothers in the world.

I walk in and out of the different worlds I live in throughout each day and have come to understand this shifting is normal, at least for me.
I have let go of hard fast rules of what I will get done. I have let go of the lectures I use to give myself inside my head about how this or that needed to change.
I am learning that each of these worlds have within them their own rhythm. Each are beautiful and deserve my attention, for they are what make up my life.

I watch as the dog gets up and goes back inside, knowing he will go back to bed with my husband.
I turn my camera off, put the lens cap back on and just watch and listen a bit longer before I grab my empty coffee mug and get up.
I walk back into the house, eager to get on with my day for it is Mother’s Day, and I get to spend it with some of my kids and my grandson.

I will take it all in, fill up my heart, and listen with love.I will laugh and maybe even cry.
I will look for bugs with Percy, and eat food two of my son’s have prepared for us to feast on.
I will miss my mom and my one estranged son, so I will no doubt step into one of those other worlds at some point in the day,

but. . .
I will feel all those feelings without scolding myself or apologizing, because these worlds are what make up my life. And I am grateful for all of them..