peace within me

“There is nothing to be done but go ahead with life moment by moment and hour by hour-put out birdseed, tidy the rooms, try to create order and peace around me even if I cannot achieve it inside me.”

― May Sarton, Journal of a Solitude

I wake to snow on the hills across the lake. I think briefly about picking up my camera and then remember it is spring, and leave the snow to melt on its own. I pull out these images from the past few days and feel peace and lightness grow within me.. Today I will slip into my garden clothes, watching for sun breaks, and hopefully get out in the yard here and there. I will come in and make tea and listen to the birds scolding me because the feeders are empty. I will sit my tea down and next to the puzzle we have on the table in the family room where it will grow cold as I head out to fill the feeders. Later, I might tidy the rooms, but I am counting on something a bit more alluring to pull me in.
